Saturday, November 5, 2011

Your Connection to Christian Singles

Your Connection to Christian Singles

Saturday, February 5, 2011

How to overcome challenges in a marriage relationships

Marriage Relationship advise

A marriage starts out with two people so happy you would think nothing will ever disturb their happiness ever.
More often then not the two find themselves overwhelmed by the responsibilities in the marriage and they forget all about the love for each and blame one another for the predicament they find themselves in not realizing that neither one of the two are to blame. The health and stability of marriages was lost when the following very important factors were no longer upheld;
• Marriage counselling; There seems to be a misconception about marriage counselling and that is that many people think marriage counselling only happens before the wedding. This is the mistake many a counsellor makes too a marriage counsellor should counsel the couple a starting a few months before the wedding and continue at least a year or more as the need arise to help the couple find their feet and build a strong foundation.
• In-law relationships’; In days gone by in-laws from both side got to know each other rather well before the couple got married and this created a healthy understanding between the two families which resulted in a better start for the couple, It’s about time that we bring back the closeness that one’s were between the families in-law.
• Community – where has the love between people in the same community gone to? Each child belong to every family in the neighbourhood and when one of the children grew up and got married it was a community occasion every one was exited and happy and chipped in to make the day and the couples future more secure because everyone cared and wanted the best for the newlyweds.

Prevention is better then cures;
These days too many couples go about the important things in life too light heartedly setting themselves up for failure. To prevent failure wise counsel should be in place.
If before two people get married they allow themselves the time to be counselled and prepared well for the responsibility of marriage as well as spend time in counselling after the wedding it will afford them the opportunity to become wiser and more stronger to face whatever may come no matter how hard the challenge.

Extending your source of support;
Stay close to both families in order build a strong support base. Respect the wisdom of elders and lean upon them to help you, remember they have been there you are only just starting out.
Community, friends, everyone can help you build your new life you are a part of them after all. If you choose to be alone you may run into trouble and find them too far away so don’t push people away keep them close.

In conclusion;
Find your pastor or an elder to counsel you. Follow the advice given to you and ask questions that applies to your specifically. Work together as a couple find common ground and stick to it. Remember, counselling never ends go back when you need advice on anything ells in future. That’s what it will take to stay strong.
Have a positive attitude about everything bearing in mind that you are not the only couple going through growing pains in your marriage.
It’s never too late to build a support base. Before you give up on your marriage start realizing that there are people waiting and ready to help you get through the rough patches because they have been through it all.
May you grow old together and be the support structure to your children one day.